I am pleased to present you with what I believe to be one of the finest
home plan catalogues on the market today. The home plans you will find on
these pages are not "quick drawn" projects; they are
instead the result of years of evolving trial and error.
The first settlers of the country were experimenters who left us with
not only a heritage of freedom, but also home shapes which reflect
independence. In this day of high tech and modernism, the forms of the old
are being re-examined. You will see as you look through these schematic
prints that the old forms are as functional today as they were in the 18th
and 19th Centuries.
This offering is the culmination of a dream I have had to revive the
quality and taste of the classic home designs. it is one of many
collections which Traditional American Concepts will be offering. I
sincerely hope that you will find the home of your dreams here, and if you
do, I would like to hear from you.
When you are ready to order plans for construction, please note the
additional aids we offer for the home builder. As you plan your home,
remember the words of one of America's greatest Architects, Thomas
"Architecture is worth great attention. As we double our numbers
every twenty years we must double our houses...lt is, then, among the most
important arts; and it is desirable to introduce taste into an art which
shows so much ...." - Don Swofford, FAIA